Gas Pool Heating Safety

Gas pool heating - health and safety issues

Pool Gas Heaters need to be looked after. An unsafe heater can cause a house fire or pollute your home with dangerous fumes. A faulty gas heater can cause serious problems. Health problems that seem to be worse, or that only occur when the heating is on, may be caused by carbon monoxide from a faulty gas heater. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include tiredness, shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness, nausea, weakness, confusion and chest pain. High levels of carbon monoxide can cause unconsciousness and death.

Gas heating - health and safety issues
Gas heaters need to be professionally installed and properly looked after. An unsafe heater can cause a house fire or pollute your home with dangerous fumes. If you service your heater regularly and use it correctly, it will be safe and economical to use.

Professional servicing, including inspection of the flue or chimney, is recommended. You should get your heater serviced:
  • Immediately if there is any sign of trouble.
  • Every two years (before the winter heating season), or more often if recommended in the instructions.
If you have ducted heating, contact the appliance manufacturer to see if professional duct cleaning is necessary.

Do-it-yourself cleaning
Do-it-yourself cleaning should be limited. You should only:
  • Clean accessible filters as necessary (see instruction manual or contact the manufacturer to find out if this needs to be done).
  • Vacuum out any duct registers as necessary (the register is the central heating duct opening in each room, which can be seen when the cover grill is lifted).
  • Clean fans once a year if this is included in the manufacturer's instructions, or contact the manufacturer if you do not have an instruction booklet (many fans are not accessible for do-it-yourself cleaning).